What Do You Want To Know?
What time does it take to realise a list of 30 profiles matching our job criteria
After extensive talks with you we usually need, due to planning, up to 5 days to complete the list.
What is recruitment
Recruitment is a term which includes communication to a person or persons, with the intention to get this person to work for you or for the client you work for.
What kind of training do you provide
We provide all kind of trainings, all about "where recruitment touches the internet"
Why choose your services for our business
Usually this is the moment where you start reaching out to us 🙂
What is a sourcing training
We provide Sourcing trainings in both inhouse and open trainings. The training will provide you with the knowledge on how to find the right candidates in no time!
Do you speak at conferences
Yes we do speak at a lot of conferences, we cover various topics around Sourcing, Recruitment, Pre-Employment Screening and the GDPR.
Can you find me a job
Often we get people connecting with us because the are on a job hunt. We listen and most of the times we direct them to the right people
What is a Google Hack
We rather name this Google Dork, it is referring to a smart way of asking Google to find something for you.
What is a Google Dork
An expression referring to Google Hacks, but less frightning for our Compliant Officers.
What is Continous Sourcing
An expression we use to say we are there for you. You can use our sourcing capacity on a daily basis for a fixed price.